Friday, December 30, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Have you heard of Vibram FiveFingers?
So my Christmas wish list included some Vibram Five Fingers Shoes
If Santa brings them I will review them here. Stay tuned. If you want a pair and know how incredible they are already click the link below. Year-Long Giveaway
If Santa brings them I will review them here. Stay tuned. If you want a pair and know how incredible they are already click the link below. Year-Long Giveaway
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thanksgiving Day - 2nd Annual
Father in-law / Son in-law Turkey Trot
Ok so thats not the official name but my father in-law has enrolled me for the second year to run the Turkey Trot with him and I already love races but a free race is even better ... lol. I am very proud of him because he does not run regularly and he beat the time of my 1st 5k last year where I had run for 9 weeks to prepare for it.
Even though this is my most dreaded course because of the hilly ending mile, its fun and the challenge is still exciting at the same time.
Last year this was only my second race and I completed it in 34:54. This year I ran it in 28:03. A great improvement from a general perspective but of course my competitive nature always finds reasons maybe it should have been better. The race was very congested at the start and so after crossing the start line it was still not possible to run at the speed I wanted for about a quarter mile because I was constantly dodging and tip toeing around the crowd of people. Next year I will definitely be near the front because I think this cost me at least 15- 20 seconds off my total time. My personal best for a 5k was the race in October where I ran 27:45 in Charlotte but it was a very flat race so I had no expectations of beating that on this hilly course but after seeing how close I was I cannot help but to think had I not got caught up in the congestion that I may have actually beaten my Charlotte time. BUMMER :( ... but all in all I am very happy with my progress and time.
I think I want to really focus on improving my 5k time because I really feel my competitive nature kicking in and I am a person that usually just jumps into things with both feet and so I want to find out what I am really made of. Last year I ran a couple races with my sister and she beat me badly. I was just beginning to run and very overweight then so I hoped to be able to keep up with her one day. This year I ran 2 races with her in October and beat her twice and she seemed unaffected; however, I wondered in the back of her mind if she was planning on stomping me in the next race. LOL! Well this was the next race and she definitely kicked it up a notch and after the first half mile I never saw her again. She beat me by 43 seconds. Does not sound like a lot but in the race world thats about a tenth of a mile. All I can say is its on now sis! LOL.
This blog used to really be about my struggles and how to stay mentally tough and overcome them but I am happy to say that it is turning more into celebrating victories and looking onto the horizon for a more successful and bright future of fitness.
Thanks for reading and be Blessed!
Father in-law / Son in-law Turkey Trot
Ok so thats not the official name but my father in-law has enrolled me for the second year to run the Turkey Trot with him and I already love races but a free race is even better ... lol. I am very proud of him because he does not run regularly and he beat the time of my 1st 5k last year where I had run for 9 weeks to prepare for it.
Even though this is my most dreaded course because of the hilly ending mile, its fun and the challenge is still exciting at the same time.
Last year this was only my second race and I completed it in 34:54. This year I ran it in 28:03. A great improvement from a general perspective but of course my competitive nature always finds reasons maybe it should have been better. The race was very congested at the start and so after crossing the start line it was still not possible to run at the speed I wanted for about a quarter mile because I was constantly dodging and tip toeing around the crowd of people. Next year I will definitely be near the front because I think this cost me at least 15- 20 seconds off my total time. My personal best for a 5k was the race in October where I ran 27:45 in Charlotte but it was a very flat race so I had no expectations of beating that on this hilly course but after seeing how close I was I cannot help but to think had I not got caught up in the congestion that I may have actually beaten my Charlotte time. BUMMER :( ... but all in all I am very happy with my progress and time.
I think I want to really focus on improving my 5k time because I really feel my competitive nature kicking in and I am a person that usually just jumps into things with both feet and so I want to find out what I am really made of. Last year I ran a couple races with my sister and she beat me badly. I was just beginning to run and very overweight then so I hoped to be able to keep up with her one day. This year I ran 2 races with her in October and beat her twice and she seemed unaffected; however, I wondered in the back of her mind if she was planning on stomping me in the next race. LOL! Well this was the next race and she definitely kicked it up a notch and after the first half mile I never saw her again. She beat me by 43 seconds. Does not sound like a lot but in the race world thats about a tenth of a mile. All I can say is its on now sis! LOL.
This blog used to really be about my struggles and how to stay mentally tough and overcome them but I am happy to say that it is turning more into celebrating victories and looking onto the horizon for a more successful and bright future of fitness.
Thanks for reading and be Blessed!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
So its about 4:15am October 29, 2011 and I just could not sleep anymore. I woke up at 3:30am and finally decided to just get up.
Well today is the day!
Its been one year since I ran my first 5k race, in September 2010 I decided that it was time to end my battle with weight. Mentally I was an athlete just like in high school, but physically was a whole other story. A sad one. A story of man that now 100 pounds over weight and pre-diabetic. It was a weird 10 years of my life being overweight. Feeling active and athletic mentally but appearing and physically feeling overweight was very awkward and frustrating. Then the transition to complacency began and before you know it you almost accept this new place in your life. I say almost because I do not think anyone ever is ok with being overweight but you get darn close to accepting it once you have tried so hard for so long and just cannot seem to get a grip on it. Well my grip came one day last year where I said " this is it, I am tired of being an obese person! I WANT TO LIVE AGAIN!"
I was not sure what do but I knew what I felt like doing. I wanted to run as far away from the feelings of defeat and low self esteem as I could. So thats exactly what I did. I started running. If your interested you can begin reading my journey by clicking here, but it has definitely been a journey that is for sure. Today is one year since my first 5k race (3.2 miles) and I am so excited to see my progress. There have been struggles that only this blog can explain and then some not ever posted here. I will say this though, perseverance always pays off. Set a goal and go for it.
I will return later to post the results.
Be Blessed!
Updated 11:30am ..... for results of today's 5k go to my Facebook page.

Its been one year since I ran my first 5k race, in September 2010 I decided that it was time to end my battle with weight. Mentally I was an athlete just like in high school, but physically was a whole other story. A sad one. A story of man that now 100 pounds over weight and pre-diabetic. It was a weird 10 years of my life being overweight. Feeling active and athletic mentally but appearing and physically feeling overweight was very awkward and frustrating. Then the transition to complacency began and before you know it you almost accept this new place in your life. I say almost because I do not think anyone ever is ok with being overweight but you get darn close to accepting it once you have tried so hard for so long and just cannot seem to get a grip on it. Well my grip came one day last year where I said " this is it, I am tired of being an obese person! I WANT TO LIVE AGAIN!"
I was not sure what do but I knew what I felt like doing. I wanted to run as far away from the feelings of defeat and low self esteem as I could. So thats exactly what I did. I started running. If your interested you can begin reading my journey by clicking here, but it has definitely been a journey that is for sure. Today is one year since my first 5k race (3.2 miles) and I am so excited to see my progress. There have been struggles that only this blog can explain and then some not ever posted here. I will say this though, perseverance always pays off. Set a goal and go for it.
I will return later to post the results.
Be Blessed!
Updated 11:30am ..... for results of today's 5k go to my Facebook page.
Monday, September 19, 2011
"What I've learned from running is that the time to push hard is when you're hurting like crazy and you want to give up. Success is often just around the corner." Sir James Dyson, Inventor of the Dyson vacuum cleaner _______________________________________________________ This was not my quote but sums up how I felt in my journey from couch potato to runner. It really is an eye opening experience to push when it hurts. I encourage you to try pushing through when it gets tough and you just feel like you cannot go further. Go past that point if only briefly just don't stop when you first feel at that breaking point add a quarter mile or 2 minutes if your timing yourself. It really will be monumental growth later on and will give you new perspective on yourself. For new readers of the blog you can read my journey from the beginning by "clicking here" Be blessed everyone. |
Friday, September 16, 2011
I want to run again.....
My running began because I knew I had to get a grip on my health. I was basically close to 100 lbs over weight and miserable physically. I hated the way I looked and felt. I could still play my favorite sports and did on occasion but they were very few and far between. I knew I could not let that ability to play sports fool me any longer into thinking there was no problem. I knew from past experiences that just starting a hardcore gym routine was not going to last because I had tried and stopped so many times. I knew I needed something to entice my competitive nature. So what a better way then to start running. It was something that I did not need anyone else to do with me and yet there could be standards and goals I could set out to beat. Mostly competing with myself, but that was great because I do this with almost everything I do anyway whether it be a record I had set on Nintendo Wii or just other random things. So I thought to myself "running" what a perfect way to challenge myself and get active. So i began my journey. It was really really harder then I thought and I faced walls from cardio endurance walls to joint pain walls to waking up sick on an important running day walls, but I pretty much dug deeper then I had at anytime in my life and broke through all of those. I was very proud at that point in my journey.
(You can read the whole journey here "A Run for my Life")
Even though I worked very hard and was consistent the weight was not coming off the way I had hoped. Diet played a part but my body adapting to the same routine played a bigger part. I had reached a place in running where I was not progressing and I was very discouraged. I had come a long way but to not progress was driving me crazy and discouraging me. I decided to focus on weight loss in general. I began to educate myself and immerse myself into the nutrition and exercise world, learning all I could from any source I could find. I was successful and I am down 33 pounds since that plateau where running was not getting the weight off, however as I lost the weight and began other forms of training and exercise, I had lost my time to run and a little of my zeal to run as well. I have run a couple times in the last 3 months but only as a warm up for a class I attend that a friend teaches and so it was like a half mile or so run but nothing that pushed me all that much.. Well the way I felt running just that scared me because I felt like my running endurance had decreased how ever my cardio during aerobic sessions felt increased. I was perplexed yet to afraid to start running again for the fear of being back to square 1. Well over the last couple of weeks I have just been craving a run. I have procrastinated because if I could not run even the distance I did before it would really discourage me but finally this week I gave it a go. I ran on Tuesday and actually because of poor planning only had time to run 1 mile at most but I forced myself to do it anyway just to feel that start feeling again. I knew the longer I put it off the harder it would be to start. So off I went to run this mile on Tuesday, however first let me say that when I stopped running 3 months ago my average pace was about a 12 minute mile sometimes 11:30 if I was focused or at a race, but once running I did feel lighter on my feet and I was like "wow I can feel that 33 lbs gone". I also noticed that my pace felt swifter. I use my phone to track my runs with GPS and so I glaced at it and it said I was around a 10 min pace. I could not believe it. So I finished that mile looked down and it said I completed it in 9 min 34 sec. I was stoked and in that moment I was reminded of a dream I had just had that night before. I honestly in the dream I had just ran a mile at that time. So that was a pretty freaky feeling. Well today I set out to run 2 miles and I knew that I could not keep my new pace for the whole two miles because I would tire quickly but I was excited to see what it be for the whole 2 miles. I pushed myself pretty hard to keep a decent pace and when I finished today my pace for 2 miles was 9:39 per mile ..... I am so elated with this. I am pretty sure I could not have gone a 3rd but for day 2 after not running for a while I am very ENCOURAGED verses discouraged as I thought I would be. I am so glad to be back running again. There is just an indescribable feeling running gives me. Its a natural high and sense of accomplishment nothing else gives me. Thanks for sharing this with me by reading my blog. Be blessed everyone.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Obstacles... Obstacles... Obstacles....
I honestly feel like that is all I deal with. I am determined to not give up. I had some injuries and back situations in December and into January. I recovered and started back at it and then ran my fastest 5k in March. Right after that I began to have pain in my lift shin. It felt like a shin splint and everything I have read says to not run through the pain.
I had been reading as well about the new barefoot running craze and it seems to make so much sense. I read how it began to eliminate pain and injury that running shoes can actually cause. Of course my sensitive feet are not about go barefoot anywhere so I began to search for a minimal shoe solution. I had tried Vibram five fingers before and they were just not a good fit for me. So this weekend I picked up some New Balance Minimus Trail shoes. I love the way they fit and feel. It HIGHLY cautions you about how to introduce them into your routine because it completely changes the mechanics of how you run and the muscles you use. So I started yesterday running only half a mile with them at the gym on the treadmill and the remainder of my workout was on the elliptical. I really hope this helps with my shin. They sure are fun to wear. I cannot wait to see how it goes.
Check it out. You can click on the shoe for more information.
I had been reading as well about the new barefoot running craze and it seems to make so much sense. I read how it began to eliminate pain and injury that running shoes can actually cause. Of course my sensitive feet are not about go barefoot anywhere so I began to search for a minimal shoe solution. I had tried Vibram five fingers before and they were just not a good fit for me. So this weekend I picked up some New Balance Minimus Trail shoes. I love the way they fit and feel. It HIGHLY cautions you about how to introduce them into your routine because it completely changes the mechanics of how you run and the muscles you use. So I started yesterday running only half a mile with them at the gym on the treadmill and the remainder of my workout was on the elliptical. I really hope this helps with my shin. They sure are fun to wear. I cannot wait to see how it goes.
Check it out. You can click on the shoe for more information.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Well today I thought I would see if I could run my first mile a little faster than normal. I did but boy did it kick my tale. So the rest of the run was pretty miserable. I had thoughts today like this one: " I think I hate running" and some were like this: " hhhmmmm this is pretty stupid why does anyone run on purpose " .... LOL ... but of course now after my endorphins have kicked in I am ready for self abuse again Wednesday .
Endomondo Running Workout: "Ran 2.01 miles in 23m:10s using Endomondo."
Endomondo Running Workout: "Ran 2.01 miles in 23m:10s using Endomondo."
Friday, February 18, 2011
Endomondo Running Workout
Endomondo Running Workout: "was out running 2.07 miles in 24m:31s using Endomondo."
Thursday, February 17, 2011
This is a different place...
So experiencing some things in my life right now that are interesting. I am not sure I know how to explain it really. When you decide to let God have control of something whether you verbally speak it or release it in your mind and spirit, its amazing how you release His power to work. Things start to come to fruition in front of you. Its really a peaceful neat feeling to just let go and watch God work. The most important thing I am learning is I have to let go of what I think should happen or what I wish would happen and during that time if God instructs me to do something I have to be obedient. As I'm obedient it is amazing how good it feels to be in His plan even if what I had planned is not even happening or ever will. Now to all you Christians that have it all together and think this is so elementary well just be glad I am finally learning ... lol. Just kidding there but all kidding aside its not as if I did not know this principle but its because I am walking it out in a different way then before. I have never really faced a time in my life where I did not know where to start and solely relied on God to just show me a step and then I take it and so on. Usually I know what specific instruction from the Word needs to be walked out for Gods promise or protection to be fulfilled. In this new place in my life its not really laid out I just feel God moving me in different ways and speaking to me in different ways. I am beginning to learn to just listen and move and listen and move. Its a new place for me but it feels good.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
So as I stated before momentum is hard to get back. Since my running had been non-existent for a month or 2 I thought I needed to start back a little slow and run 5 or so minutes and walk and run again and within a week or two I would be back on track . Well that was not the case. The 5 minute intervals were just not a good goal. I was ready to stop at 5 minutes for sure but soon found out out of pure laziness. So started fooling myself that this was going to be harder then I thought. Well after a couple weeks of weak running/walking intervals I realized that is not pushing me back into running like I thought. It was too easy to just keep doing that and when I tried to increase my run intervals when it got a little tough it was easy to make excuses. So this week on Monday I said to myself I think I forgot what pushing through a wall and pushing my body really feels like. I had learned so well during the couch to 5k program that it was tough sometimes to meet the goal and I had to just break through walls sometimes. So Monday I ran 20 minutes on the treadmill to remind meof what it felt like to really push myself again. It was tough but I did it.
I have really hated running on the treadmill during this winter but today I was like 32 degrees will just have to be warm enough because I was determined to hit the streets again. So today I ran in downtown Forest City and the plan was to run 20 minutes again, but when I neared that 2 mile point I had to keep going. So pushed a little harder and completed 2 miles today. Only 2 1/2 weeks til I run my next 5k and I feel really behind in my training but I think I can do it.
Shout out to Amanda King who re-inspired me to get my rear in gear. :)
You can view my run here:
Endomondo Running Workout: "was out running 2.05 miles in 25m:03s using Endomondo."
I have really hated running on the treadmill during this winter but today I was like 32 degrees will just have to be warm enough because I was determined to hit the streets again. So today I ran in downtown Forest City and the plan was to run 20 minutes again, but when I neared that 2 mile point I had to keep going. So pushed a little harder and completed 2 miles today. Only 2 1/2 weeks til I run my next 5k and I feel really behind in my training but I think I can do it.
Shout out to Amanda King who re-inspired me to get my rear in gear. :)
You can view my run here:
Endomondo Running Workout: "was out running 2.05 miles in 25m:03s using Endomondo."
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Momentum is powerful...
Wow I lost my momentum in December with foot and back issues and I have to say it has been insanely hard to get it back. I have got to get some motivation and goals set. If anyone has an encouraging word I am game for some advice. I was running a 5k every month for 3 months then the injuries side tracked me and now I am running 3 times a week but not getting the mileage I was, and the motivation to push is not like it was when I was following the couch to 5k program. Those workouts and having them planned really made a difference. New week starts tomorrow and I need some accountability. So you guys that are reading this leave me some comments and come back next week and check in on me. I need some help.
Be blessed everyone.
Be blessed everyone.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Back in the groove
Last couple of months have been tough but I am finally able to get back to the gym daily. I hate running on the treadmill but the cold has forced me to. I cannot wait til the spring gets here. I am having to work my way back up to a 5k again though. I was amazed at how quick I regressed. I am still very new to running though at only 4 months, so I am not letting that discourage me.
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