I honestly feel like that is all I deal with. I am determined to not give up. I had some injuries and back situations in December and into January. I recovered and started back at it and then ran my fastest 5k in March. Right after that I began to have pain in my lift shin. It felt like a shin splint and everything I have read says to not run through the pain.
I had been reading as well about the new barefoot running craze and it seems to make so much sense. I read how it began to eliminate pain and injury that running shoes can actually cause. Of course my sensitive feet are not about go barefoot anywhere so I began to search for a minimal shoe solution. I had tried Vibram five fingers before and they were just not a good fit for me. So this weekend I picked up some New Balance Minimus Trail shoes. I love the way they fit and feel. It HIGHLY cautions you about how to introduce them into your routine because it completely changes the mechanics of how you run and the muscles you use. So I started yesterday running only half a mile with them at the gym on the treadmill and the remainder of my workout was on the elliptical. I really hope this helps with my shin. They sure are fun to wear. I cannot wait to see how it goes.
Check it out. You can click on the shoe for more information.