Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rainy Run

Today was my day to run. I knew it was supposed to be rainy but boy oh boy was it rainy. Barely making it to 40 degrees to boot and the wind blowing a little.  I was thinking, "Really? Did I publicly profess on my blog I would run in this?" Actually there was a part of me that was looking forward to the running in the rain until it got closer to time .. lol ... but all day it was just a monsoon outside and I was determined to wait until it let up at some point.  I was running out of time and thankfully it turned into a drizzle.  I went to change into my running clothes and I heard it just let go.  Oh well too late to turn back now.  By the time I went outside it had let up again. I was so glad.  I wore my rain jacket anyway.  During the first few minutes it did start drizzling again but not bad at all.  The worst part was the puddles everywhere but it ended up being entertaining to dodge them.  However it was inevitable to be 100% successful some of them were deceiving. :(  ... yep you guessed I ended up with wet feet at about .65 miles into the run.  I have been there done that in the past, so not too big a deal, just went on.  Today though was a tough run overall. My energy levels were low probably because I am carb cycling and it was a low carb day. My existing back issues flared up a little and my whole back was on fire after mile 2 and an existing bone bruise under my knee was hurting pretty bad as well.  I did make it to mile 3 before stopping.  I was determined to finish, after all it was much harder then this the first time and persevered.  Overall I was glad I did it. I have never ever regretted a run. Glad its over though and ready for some clear warmer days.  Wow, building my running base back up is harder then I thought. 

Be blessed and remember if you don't feel like working out ... do it anyway! :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

First 3 Miler Since Injury Hiatus

If you did not read my previous post to this one it would help with the understanding of this one.

So on to to a new chapter of running for me. So I had my coming back to running emotional party the other day as you read in my post.  As great as it seems to have found my passion and myself with running again there is a lot of hard work ahead of me. Before my little hiatus from running happened, I went from 100 pounds overweight and not being able to jog even 60 seconds without feeling like I was going to die, to running 3.1 miles in 7 weeks in a time of 39:54 to my best persona record (PR) last year of that same race of 25:22. Not only that but last summer completely my first half marathon of 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 16 minutes. 

I know that my starting place is completely different this time because I have a foundation and was able to still run 2 miles the other day, but my expectations and goals for growth will still take just as much hard work to obtain. I am not entirely sure what those goals will be just yet and you will have to wait until a future post to find those out, but I want them to be something that only dedication can achieve much like my first goal of going from the couch and sedentary to running a 3.1 mile race.

Since my last post I did go for another run on Saturday with my wife. I really wanted to see where I was with my cardio and muscle endurance since the break I had taken. I had decided we would go for 3 miles.  Even though this was a short run for me in the past I knew that it would not feel short that day.  We did complete it but honestly there were moments I had to dig deep to keep going.  Because I had trained my muscle memory to stride at a certain speed comfortably in the past my legs still wanted to run that way which I think is the biggest contributor to that run being so difficult.  I hated though to force myself to run slower which would change my gait and probably cause me to heel to strike which I had worked so hard on not doing anymore.  I was pleased though that my form came back to me because in the end that was where my biggest gains in endurance came from.  Learning to run more efficiently I mean.   For a little info on that you can visit the Running Efficiency page of my blog.

The run went fairly well.  I was pushed a little with my cardio and legs were fatiguing but over all it felt great.  I was a little curious to know what I would feel like the next day, especially my foot that has been injured and still a little painful, but everything was great.  No soreness or stiffness the next morning or today.

Tomorrow is Tuesday which is one of the days I like to run. It looks like its going to be cold and rainy but that never stopped me before so I am going to suck it up and go for it.  One thing I learned in my past adventures was how to push through those feelings of dreading the weather or current physical feelings because I was always proud of completing my run and I never regretted one. Since the injury, one thing that has been hard even for other types of workouts, be it strength or anything, was the ability to push through and just do it despite how I felt or my surroundings. I miss having that grit and determination and what a better way to regain it then by forcing myself to run tomorrow with a high of 36 degrees and it raining off and on. 

Be Blessed!!!!  and remember  BELIEVE, TRUST, CHANGE!!!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

New Self Discovery


Today is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I am not sure what to call it but I know something new emotionally, and physically happened today.  

I cannot begin to explain the complications I have been through physically the last few months. If I had to describe it with one word I would call it "pain".  I have been very discouraged and bummed out and yet still attempting to be the motivation for my clients that they need and deserve. 

Running used to be a very large part of my life and evidently part of my identity. It all began a few months ago I aggravated an old injury playing basketball which sidelined me from running all together. Then later came a knee injury, and so on to a few other things. I thought I could change my workouts up to lower impact cardio but before long I was sedentary except for demonstrating movements for clients. I went a few weeks on end with maybe one workout a week. 

I hear you guys now saying "what, a trainer and your were not even working out?" Well I say to that yes, your right. Guess what? I am human too. :) .. 

So this week I decided I was running again. Pain or no pain it was happening. I contemplated trying to move into the minimalist world of running and ran Tuesday in some of my minimalist shoes. I did it the right way keeping mileage low and walking every quarter mile but I just wasn't feeling it. 

Today I put on my favorite pair of running shoes and decided I was gonna give what I had. As I ran my foot was hurting but soon it warmed up enough to not hurt severely. I began running faster and faster and remembered my original journey running, which where this blog begins if you care to go back and read it, click here, but as I tired and felt I could not go another step I remembered all the break throughs I had originally. I thought to myself, will I have to start there again? Soon I realized what strength and confidence that journey built in me that I had lost lately. So I embraced it and knew at that moment that yes I am starting over and its ok, I will only become strong again and stronger then before.  

So in summary I found myself again today. I do not know how to explain it but something just clicked today. I am excited to start this journey over and to see where it leads this time at a completely different starting point then before.

Be Blessed everyone and remember,

Put in the time. Believe in yourself. Trust the process. Change forever!
Wow! I cannot believe it has been so long since I posted on my blog. Quick update. Since the half marathon the biggest race I did that meant the most to me was the Runway 5k in October. This race is my anniversary 5k. The very first race I did was the Runway 5k in 2010 and completed it in 39:54. I had high hopes for the 2012 Runway 5k and even though I fell short of my goal I got very close and was proud of time of 25:22. It was a very fun experience and was able to take some friends with me this year .. we had a blast.