Today is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I am not sure what to call it but I know something new emotionally, and physically happened today.
I cannot begin to explain the complications I have been through physically the last few months. If I had to describe it with one word I would call it "pain". I have been very discouraged and bummed out and yet still attempting to be the motivation for my clients that they need and deserve.
Running used to be a very large part of my life and evidently part of my identity. It all began a few months ago I aggravated an old injury playing basketball which sidelined me from running all together. Then later came a knee injury, and so on to a few other things. I thought I could change my workouts up to lower impact cardio but before long I was sedentary except for demonstrating movements for clients. I went a few weeks on end with maybe one workout a week.
I hear you guys now saying "what, a trainer and your were not even working out?" Well I say to that yes, your right. Guess what? I am human too. :) ..
So this week I decided I was running again. Pain or no pain it was happening. I contemplated trying to move into the minimalist world of running and ran Tuesday in some of my minimalist shoes. I did it the right way keeping mileage low and walking every quarter mile but I just wasn't feeling it.
Today I put on my favorite pair of running shoes and decided I was gonna give what I had. As I ran my foot was hurting but soon it warmed up enough to not hurt severely. I began running faster and faster and remembered my original journey running, which where this blog begins if you care to go back and read it, click here, but as I tired and felt I could not go another step I remembered all the break throughs I had originally. I thought to myself, will I have to start there again? Soon I realized what strength and confidence that journey built in me that I had lost lately. So I embraced it and knew at that moment that yes I am starting over and its ok, I will only become strong again and stronger then before.
So in summary I found myself again today. I do not know how to explain it but something just clicked today. I am excited to start this journey over and to see where it leads this time at a completely different starting point then before.
Be Blessed everyone and remember,
Put in the time. Believe in yourself. Trust the process. Change forever!
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