So today was interesting. I had decided I wanted to get past the 1.61 mi mark. That seemed to be the distance I was completing in this faze of the program. I knew I needed to run faster on my running intervals in order to accomplish this task. I began my first run interval and was running faster for sure because I was fatiguing way quicker then normal. The next run interval was twice as long as the first so I decided not to push it too hard. Then on my last longer run interval I pushed my limits a little. I did however complete my mission to cover more distance in the same amount of time. I was pleased with that. What I was not so pleased with was that my knee pain in my left knee was increased over normal. I don't think it was the increase in speed on the intervals. I do think it was partly my lack of Monavie the last couple of days. I had run out of juice until last night. I guess we will see Monday because I am back drinking it regularly as of this morning. Next week scares me a little cause it is a big increase and it feels as if day one was yesterday and to have lengthened my run interval by 5 times in just 3 weeks seems steep, but I thought I was not going to be able to do this week and I pushed through. So excited for the challenge but at the same time a little concerned. I am anxious to see how my next post will turn out.
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