You may be thinking ... "Are you crazy? You ran a 5k?" Yep thats what the title says. So week 7 started with the schedule saying I was supposed to run 2.5 miles all three days. I thought this is going to be hard. I started Monday and it was hard. Then Wednesday it was equally as hard. Well I had been invited to run this 5k (3.1 miles) in Charlotte at the very beginning of this process which I thought was maybe possible but then began thinking as the days went by it was more and more outrageous. Well I knew this week was going to be the deciding factor. So after Monday was tough and Wednesday was as well. I was really considering just not registering. However something in me just could not stop thinking about it. I finally just made a decision and registered. Well Saturday came rather quickly. I had no idea how to prepare. I had no idea how I would feel. The morning of the race happend upon me and I got up out of the bed and got dressed and headed out with my wonderful supportive family. The kids were wired and I was sleepy. I was so anxious and nervous I could not make myself eat. I barely choked down a few bites of oatmeal. The traffic was horrible which made the anticipation that much worse. We arrived and I got my number and got ready to start. I walked into a sea of people right before the gun sounded and we were off. I was thinking ... "wow am I really doing this?" I just settled in to a comfortable pace and began. I had gone .3 of a mile ...LOL... and started to think wow this is going to be a long run. I watched people running much faster then me pass by. I even had people pushing jogging strollers cruising by me but I just kept my head up and pushed forward. As I persevered and neared then ending it was a surreal feeling. Knowing I had not stopped at all to walk was just a great feeling. Seeing the spectators lined up on each side of the finish area gave me a last minute rush. I pushed and tried to gain some speed for the finish. Crossing that finish line felt amazing! The sense of accomplishment I felt was crazy. I was on cloud nine. My cousins husband Chris Pate met up with me shortly after I finished to see how I did. He was one of my inspirations to start running. I had watched him start a while back and watched him lose weight from running. It was nice to see someone else there that had just ran it as well not to mention one of the people who inspired me in the beginning. Overall the day was fabulous. I hope to run more races and soon.
So proud of you. Your next big run maybe we can be there to share the joy? YOU GO!!!!!!! Ive tried running, i know how hard it is, and i know how hard sometimes it is to get motivated to DO IT. Takes a special person to self motivate! Wish i could run...... to hard for me